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Showing posts from February, 2020

I Would Walk 500 Miles

                                                            Exactly 30 days ago I was drinking a beer and watching YouTube videos.  I was enthralled by this guy named  WheezyWaiter that does 30 day challenges.   No Internet for 30 days.  Intermittent fasting for 30 days.   No sugar for 30 days.  No porn for 30 days(I might have made that up.) Walking 10,000 steps for 30 days.   I thought to myself, I should do that. Thinking is one thing - and doing is another.   My first mistake, and I blame this totally on the Ultra I was drinking, was telling the hubs I was going to walk 10,000 steps for 30 consecutive days.  He was all about it and was ready to create flow charts, maps, weather forecasts, shoe catalogs...and shit...What the hell have I done? With Der Kommissar at the helm - I had no option but to at least start the challenge.  I figured he would get bored and that would be it.  He was pretty good about not bothering me - but I usually had all my steps in by the time he got

Take Out the Papers and the Trash

  Seldom wrong and right again.  I was correct.  Reading a newpaper online is not for me.   I will be returning to my Luddite ways in the near future.  Reading a newspaper should not require a password. Do you like to read newspapers online?    Find me on  Facebook

The Song Remains the Same (Me, Snoop, Tupac and Kamala)

A sentence I never  thought I'd write.....Kamala Harris and I have something in common.                                                  Apparently during the summer, Kamala Harris was asked if she ever smoked pot in college or law school - and what music she listened to while inhaling.   Harris answered    “Oh yeah, definitely Snoop. Tupac for sure.”    Apparently, that timeline is a little bit shaky because Harris graduated years before Snoop or Tupac released their debut albums. Harris graduated from Howard University in 1986 and law school in 1989.     I am not faulting Kamala at all.  We suffer from the same affliction - putting the wrong music in a memory.                                                                                                                       I swear I can put The Cure as the soundtrack of my college years.  And yes, they were around during that time - but Pictures of You, Friday I'm in Love and Lullaby came out years after

I Might have been Wrong

For five decades I have received a delivered newspaper to my home. Since relocating to Ohio, we subscribe with home delivery to the Columbus Dispatch.   It was never a question not to subscribe to the paper as we both grew up reading the the paper and and have continued with home delivery wherever we have lived.   Online just didn't seen very cozy.  And I'm a self proclaimed Luddite. A four week subscription to the Dispatch is now $70.   I'm no mathematician - but that is more than double our current subscription price.   As a courtesy, since I was a long term customer, they did offer me a price of $65.  Thanks?   Time to make a decision. To me, this is a lot of money, especially when many of the articles refer you to an online article - but frankly, we both enjoyed sitting at the table every morning, enjoying a cup of coffee while reading the paper. This is hard.   I love reading the paper.   I love circling things for my husband to read.  I love writing pith