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Showing posts from March, 2020

(There Must Be Some) Misunderstanding

                                          I was overwhelmed with responses to my blog of Jan 19 Singing All By Myself !   Apparently, I am not the only person that mishears or  misunderstands lyrics.   I guess there is some sort of comfort knowing I am not the only one out there. I'll start with one from my own collection.  In the mid 70's there was a song Black Betty by Ram Jam.  Black Betty lyrics were "Oh Black Betty bam ba lam."    My brother would sing "Come back Betty in a scramble van."   A scrambler van, to the unwise, is a vehicle owned by the Barbie.   I kind of prefer that version! Several mentioned mishearing Jimi Hendrix say "Excuse me while I kiss this guy" instead of "Excuse me while I kiss the sky"  in Purple Haze.    It was the 60's.....could go either way! A Chicago fan mentioned singing "You're my motel lover" instead of " no tell lover."  She claimed she didn't know what a "

No Reply at All

Why don't people respond to texts that require immediate attention or can be answered in one word?  Are you alive?   Yes. What time are you leaving?  9:30 What color is your car?  Silver What is the fastest animal?  Cheetah Beatles or Stones?   Stones See how easy that is!    Nobody is asking for a novel, paragraph or even a sentence.  A couple of words is all that is required. A simple emoji will also work.   👎🏻 🍾 🌨  🤔 👀   🐫 ⚰️   🦀   Apple and Samsung have done the work for you.  You just need to hit a button and everyone is happy. I promise if you answer my short text I will quit bothering you.  If you answer with more than a simple yes or no - there probably wont be a followup.   This will save a lot of time and government personnel as I wont have to call the sheriff to do a wellness check, physically drive to your house to see if you are hurt or scan your Facebook page to see if you ever mentioned Mick Jagger. And, maybe, I'll start answering your s

Won't Get Fooled Again

This happened today.    At a Starbucks drive thru, the cashier asked me if I would like to purchase the order for the person behind me as a random act of kindness.   I said "What?" and quickly added "No," which I'm sure was much more emphatic than the cashier expected.  What I wanted to say is "A random act of kindness is not random if someone asks you to do it!"   It kind of needs to be my idea and my want.  Not a suggestion of someone else. This isn't the first time a drive thru has asked me to purchase someone else's food.  The first time I was caught so off guard that I bought $18 worth of food for the person behind me even though my own order was a $1 iced tea.    It was then I realized the only person winning is McDonalds.  They get their money no matter who buys it.   Not random or kind. I'm not criticizing those that participate in random acts of kindness.  I've been on the receiving end and it's a sweet gesture and

Sweet Potato Pie and I Shut my Mouth

So the husband came home giddy with excitement. "I think we're having Pi Day this Friday!" he gushed and giggled.  Nothing excites this man like a piece of pie.  And several pieces of pie is even better. Of course, I had to ruin his excitement with questions.  What time?  What kind?  Where at?  For how many? He didn't know the answer to any of these questions and I could see his excitement slowly seeping out of him.   By the end of the conversation, he looked positively downtrodden.   He responded with tears in his eyes.  "I just want you to bake a pie." And so I shall.  Do you celebrate Pi Day at home or at work?    What kind would you make?  Visit me at  Facebook

Ain't That a Kick in the Head

A few weeks ago I got pretty cocky and said I would not use a hand soap with Clorox as a main ingredient.   I was wrong.  Touching bad.  Hugging bad.   Clorox good.  As a matter of fact, I might want to bathe in Clorox.  Seldom right and wrong again..... "Like a fella once said....ain't that a kick in the head." For no other reason and to forget about a possible health crisis - enjoy Dean Martin.  You're welcome. Dean Martin Ain't That a Kick in the Head