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Once Was Lost But Now I'm Found

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I found my first blog!

I had to troll through the archives of every saved page on my computer - but I finally found my lost blog "The Spartan Wife!"  My blog debuted on February 9, 2009.  I actually remember writing the maiden post - we lived in Chesapeake, VA at the time.

A lot has happened since that initial post.   We moved 5 more times.   We are now empty nesters and I work part time.  

A lot has stayed the same.   I am still obsessed with cleaning shows, am still sarcastic and probably should never be taken too seriously.

Here is my first blog entry:

 I really don't make New Year resolutions. It has always seemed a little silly - if you want to do something - do it now. Don't wait six months, 30 days or 1 week to start something. (I feel the same way about the idea of driving to a track to run. Run to the track for God's sake! Not that I run or even know where a track is.) But, I digress. When I make up my mind to do something - I want that something to start right now. That's not to say everything I start is successful - or that I even start everything I desire to do - it just means once I make up my mind to try something - I do it now and without a lot of fanfare - sometimes with varying degrees of success.

Thus my decision to blog. Because people really want to know what's going on with me. I'm sure of it!  (Wink)

Then I had another idea as I was watching How Clean is Your House - an obsession of mine - I decided that I need to wear heals more often. I noticed Kim Woodburne, the mistress of clean on the show, wears heals to clean - so why shouldn't I wear them, as well? I went out and bought a pair of 2" heals that will look adorable with jeans. I haven't worn them yet - but who wears shoes when your sitting on your butt typing on your blog?

                                     Image result for when harry met sally you want your life to start right now meme

I still have the shoes but still haven't worn them with jeans.

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