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Born to be Wild?

Mark STUNTMAN ON TV Don't Try This at Home ME Sitting on Couch ...

People must think I am an idiot.  Or bold.   Maybe they think I live on the edge.  I'm not really sure.  But this has been going on my entire life.

My first memory is of our babysitter.   Every once in awhile we would be allowed to go out on the porch and watch the delivery of some milk trucks across the street.  The porch was concrete and about 5 feet off the ground.  Every time we went out there, the sitter would tell us, or me specifically, "Don't jump off the porch."   Even at that young age, (under 5) I had to ask myself - "Is she for real?"   Ain't no way you could even pay me to jump off the porch - why would I just do it? 

We also had an elderly neighbor that I would visit from time to time.    She had an old washing machine that you had to put your clothes through the wringer.   Sometimes she would let me help her.  She would wind the machine and I was allowed to put the clothes through only AFTER she had started them through the flattening part of the machine.  She always told me not to put my hands in there.   Why did she feel the need to tell me that?   As if!  I could see what it did to the wet clothes, I didn't have to imagine what it would do to my hand!

using 60 year old washing machine in 2017 - maytag wringer - YouTube

Of course there was always the litney of "Don't stand to close to the fire," "Make sure you wear oven mits when you take something out of the oven,"  "Don't pick up random needles,"  "Don't run with scissors,"  etc.   Did I do something as a child that would have people discussing my safety habits?

As I get older, I still seem to be randomly chosen to be reminded not to do stupid things.   If it says do not enter, do not go beyond this point or do not feed the animals - you can pretty much trust - I will obey the signs.   I may be married to someone that doesn't follow directions, but he is never singled out not to do Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, cloud, sky, ocean, mountain, outdoor and naturesomething.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, cloud, sky, ocean, mountain, outdoor and nature

Even in this social quarantine time I am still being told what could harm me.  Don't socialize.  Don't shop.  Don't touch your face.   I'm having the hardest time with the last one.

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